

2个月前 learnbeauty

201、治疗脑膜炎的处方(出自《伤寒论》–瓜蒌桂枝汤和葛根汤)   病人有汗时: 瓜蒌根 15克桂枝 15克 白芍 15克 甘草 15克 生姜 15克 大枣 15枚   …



2个月前 learnbeauty

151、病人不停的吃东西却觉得吃不饱并且一饿就得吃东西否则就头晕(出自《伤寒论》–白虎汤) 石膏50-500克、知母25克 甘草20克、梗米2调羹、大黄15克 厚朴15克 枳实15克 &n …



2个月前 learnbeauty

102、治疗女性阴痒的方法 蛇床子 10克   注:把该药研磨成粉,涂于患处即可。   103、去除口臭的方法 细辛 10克   104、解生附子、乌头、天雄的毒 远志 …



2个月前 learnbeauty

51、病人一直很瘦弱而且易疲劳(出自《伤寒杂病论》–柴胡桂枝干姜汤) (柴胡30克、黄芩15克 桂枝 15克 干姜10克、牡蛎10克、栝楼根 20克、 炙甘草 10克   52、 …



2个月前 learnbeauty

本网站主要讲玄学五术,山,医,命,相,卜,医有中医,命有紫微斗数,卜有奇门遁甲,六爻,小六壬,相有手相,面相,风水,阳宅学,可以关注我的youtube频道,里面有视频持续更新,频道地址为:www.yo …

The origin of tea, what is the origin of tea? The connection between tea and Chinese history, China is the birthplace of tea.

The origin of tea, what is the origin of tea? The connection between tea and Chinese history, China is the birthplace of tea.

9个月前 learnbeauty

China is the birthplace of tea and the cradle of tea culture. It is the country where tea was first …

The plant called Mao Xiang can be used to make Mao Xiang cake, which is loved by people of all ages and genders, and it also has medicinal properties

The plant called Mao Xiang can be used to make Mao Xiang cake, which is loved by people of all ages and genders, and it also has medicinal properties

10个月前 learnbeauty

Mao Xiang cake, with its unique texture and delicious taste, is a specialty of the southern Anhui re …

Do you still want tea after reading this? The relationship between tea and cancer has shocked everyone

Do you still want tea after reading this? The relationship between tea and cancer has shocked everyone

11个月前 learnbeauty

The Relationship Between Tea and Cancer: The Story You Didn’t Know About Tea and Cancer, Which Shock …