

1个月前 learnbeauty

公开祝由术,主要是弘扬传统文化!中医六术:祝由,针,灸,药,砭,按跷,祝由第一。是带频率的能量,就是阴阳两种气的运用。祝由有三套,一,天书祝由,二,五行祝由,三,十三祝由,最厉害的是天书祝由,已经失传 …



1个月前 learnbeauty

称骨歌算命,有一定的准确性,可以作为参考,命运是可以改变的,此次公开秘诀只是供爱好者查阅,一般手机应用程序里称骨歌是要会员充钱才可以使用的,所以免费公开,让普通人获利。 袁天罡,唐代著名的星象预测家, …



1个月前 learnbeauty

弘扬传统文化,传承国学经典;真传一句话。愿景:成为全球最具影响力的国学平台或品牌。 人生说明书 一命,先天命不可改, 二运,可改,改地理和人事; 三风水,可改,阴宅,阳宅; 四积阴德,可改,多做善事; …

What did the Buddha realize on the day of his enlightenment?And what did he say to the world?

What did the Buddha realize on the day of his enlightenment?And what did he say to the world?

8个月前 learnbeauty

The insights that the Buddha realized on the day of his enlightenment can be summarized into five po …

The origin of tea, what is the origin of tea? The connection between tea and Chinese history, China is the birthplace of tea.

The origin of tea, what is the origin of tea? The connection between tea and Chinese history, China is the birthplace of tea.

9个月前 learnbeauty

China is the birthplace of tea and the cradle of tea culture. It is the country where tea was first …